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Commercial Sealcoating in Northern New Jersey

Your storefront is essential for driving new and returning business. However, customers may choose to keep driving if your parking lot is damaged. At Seal Tech, we offer comprehensive sealcoating services throughout all of Northern New Jersey, including Morris, Essex, Bergen, Passaic, and Sussex Counties. Whether you’re a property manager for an office building or own a strip plaza, we can help protect your parking lot from the wear and tear of daily traffic and harsh weather conditions. Speak with our team today to get started with a free project estimate.

commercial asphalt project

Why Is Parking Lot Sealcoating Important for My Business?

Your parking lot needs to be in good condition to stand up to the rigors of high traffic and exposure to the elements. Over time, the asphalt can begin to wear down. You’ll notice your parking lot becoming rougher and duller, and cracks will emerge. However, with commercial sealcoating services, you can ensure your parking lot maintains its rich, black color and smooth surface area for an attractive aesthetic.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your property’s driveway should be resealed every three to five years to help maintain its beauty and durability. At Seal Tech, our knowledgeable and experienced sealcoating professionals have access to commercial equipment and high-quality materials to tackle even the largest projects. We follow a comprehensive process to ensure long-lasting results:

  • Prepare the Parking Lot by Clearing Debris
  • Apply a Consistent, Even Layer of Sealcoat
  • Allow the Necessary Time for the Sealcoat to Cure
  • Follow Up to Ensure You’re Satisfied

As one of Northern New Jersey’s leaders in commercial sealcoating, we’re able to complete nearly any size project. Businesses throughout the area turn to us when they need reliable, high-quality sealcoating services. From large square parking areas to more complex layouts, such as drive-thrus, we’ve helped businesses in a variety of industries, including the following:

  • Apartment Complexes
  • Health Care Centers
  • Shopping Plazas
  • Warehouses
  • Restaurants
  • Schools
  • And More

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