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Residential & Commercial Concrete Services

Home and business owners throughout Northern New Jersey choose Seal Tech for concrete installation. Our team of professionals offers comprehensive concrete repair and new installation services. We work closely with you to understand the size and scope of your concrete project and work within your timeline to ensure a durable final product. Contact us for a free estimate if you’re considering concrete installation for your home or office.

concrete sidewalk

Is Concrete Right for My Needs?

Concrete is a versatile material capable of withstanding continual wear and tear from foot traffic and vehicles, making it ideal for numerous commercial and residential applications. Concrete can also be poured into unique shapes and finished with stunning patterns and stains to match your home or office’s aesthetic. We’ll work with you to design a concrete project that reflects your needs, style, and budget.

Our Concrete Paving Services

Residential and commercial customers searching for reliable and high-quality concrete services trust our team. Our skilled and experienced professionals can handle any type of project. We offer complete concrete services, including preparation, pouring, and finishing, to give you a durable and safe surface that enhances the aesthetic of your outdoor space. Learn more about our concrete services:

Concrete Patios

Enjoy the spring and summer weather outdoors with a customizable outdoor patio for your home or business.


Driveway installation using concrete allows for numerous aesthetic accents to enhance curb appeal.


We offer sidewalk installation and repair services to ensure pedestrians around your property are safe.

Dumpster Pads

Concrete provides a level surface for numerous commercial storage needs, including dumpsters and more.

Concrete Ramps

Concrete accessibility ramps ensure everyone can safely and easily enter your business.

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